Invest in Your Local Community, Give to the United Way of Cache Valley
Each United Way is independently governed by a local volunteer board, in order to best meet our local needs and opportunities. We must, however, adhere to a stringent set of United Way Worldwide membership standards that focus on governance, ethics, financial management, and general operations.

United Way of Cache Valley
– Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Our Commitment- Creating Equitable Communities through Powerful Partnerships
United Way of Cache Valley seeks to engage the entire community in our work without regard to race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, & expression, disability, sexual orientation, veteran-status, familial status or socio-economic status. That commitment will be reflected in all aspects of United Way’s work – service delivery, staffing or volunteer participation.
Despite this commitment, we know we could do more to explicitly challenge inequitable systems in our community. We must do better and we are committed to this work moving forward.
These statements describe our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Diversity is a tremendous asset. We believe that centering diversity means seeking out experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives that are different from our own. We aspire to center the skills, perspectives, and experiences of diverse community members at all stages of our work. We aim for practices that draw in team members, partners, and board members from diverse backgrounds. We commit to amplify cultures and points of view that historically have not been valued and heard in decision-making.
We believe every person is entitled to dignity and respect. We are committed to creating more equitable communities that provide every person an equal opportunity to thrive. Equity is both a value we must live and an outcome we must achieve.
We believe that equity work starts with knowing and challenging our own biases, mindsets, and harmful behaviors. We aspire to look inward first, at our organization and at ourselves as individuals. We aspire to speak about inequities openly, with a commitment to examine our own biases and our role in the systems that exclude and marginalize so many community members.
We strive to be part of collectively reimagining a community designed for all to thrive. We aim to collaboratively transform the systems that we are a part of that create inequitable outcomes. We strive to use our own power to eliminate disparities based on race and income. We commit to listening and learning and then pursuing collective action that is designed with those most oppressed by our current systems.
We strive to create an inclusive working environment in our organization and in the partnerships we support- one where everyone is heard, where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, and where everyone has access to opportunities and resources. We aim to create an inclusive space where community members are co-leading the design implementation and evaluation of the strategies we pursue.
These statements are an aspiration for what we want to be as an organization. We know more must be done and we are committed to doing it with vulnerability, humility and a commitment to sustained action. This statement will evolve as we listen to different perspectives, reflect, heal, and learn.
UWCV Donor Privacy Policy
The privacy of your personal information is of the utmost importance to the United Way of Cache Valley (UWCV). Any information gathered by the UWCV is kept strictly confidential. We retain donor information where it is used to verify transactions, print receipts, thank supporters for their contributions, keep supporters informed and solicit future donations.
We do not keep credit card numbers in our database. We provide information to our Board members and staff on a confidential, need-to-know basis. We do not share or trade our donor’s names or personal information with others and we do not sell that information. We release donor information to other agencies if they are receiving funds specifically designated by the donor, unless the donor has directed us otherwise. We do not send mailings to our donors on behalf of others. We take special care to protect the privacy and security of our donor’s information.
United Way of Cache Valley seeks to engage the entire community in our work without regard to race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, & expression, disability, sexual orientation, veteran-status, familial status or socio-economic status. That commitment will be reflected in all aspects of United Way’s work – service delivery, staffing or volunteer participation.
The United Way of Cache Valley is an equal opportunity employer.